Friday, April 5

The Acasta Bible

After the bicentennial of the Battle of Queenston Heights,  near Fort George, Ontario, 3rd Lt. Tom Tumbusch had the honor of meeting with John Cocking, a likely descendant of a historic Acasta crew member named Robert Arber. He showed Lt. Tumbusch Robert's Bible and several other interesting documents it contained.

Robert Arber's Bible. For scale, the coin to the right is a "toonie" (a Canadian two-dollar coin).
Mr. Cocking.
Close-up of the inscription...Plymouth Dock, July 1813
Text of a petition for Greenwich Hospital to more adequately provide for old sailors who had contributed the Greenwich Sixpence. Robert is listed in census documents as having been a Greenwich pensioner.
Letter in Robert's hand from 1840.
This document was among those preserved between the pages of Robert Arber's Bible.
Special thanks to Mr Cocking for contacting us so that we could examine his lovely family bible, and to Tom Tumbusch who did the examining and took all these pictures!

1 comment:

  1. That is fantastic! What did Mr. Cocking think of the latter-day Acastas?
