Tuesday, May 30

Midshipman Hamilton, poster boy

Some time back, HMS Acasta was contacted by author Patrick Cox to ask if we had a midshipman who might be willing to pose for the cover of his next book. It just so happeend that we did indeed have such a fellow in current Acasta Middie Alex Hamilton. Patrick and Alex's father Jim made all the arrangements and above you'll see the final product of that collaboration.

Young Mr. Hamilton at the Jane Austen Festival in 2014
Well done Mr. Hamilton, well done… now back to your division with you!


  1. That's fantastic news on two levels: first that there's another Age of Sail series on its way, and that an Acasta is the cover model. Huzzah to all involved!

  2. Hi, I'm the cover designer that did the artwork for Pat Cox's novel: Harry Heron, A Midshipman's Journey, and I just want to say to the Acasta crew for helping us with this project, especially the Doctor and the Hamiltons Thank You Very Much. All the best Kura Carpenter :)

  3. Thanks for letting our Mr. Hamilton take part in the final design :D
