Wednesday, November 29

A Report from Adm. Sir J. B. Warren, R.N.


Halifax 16th Octr. 1813.

It is with extreme regret I am under the necessity of communicating to you for their Lordships information that Commodore Rodgers has effected his arrival in the United States Frigate President at Newport, I had made the best disposition in my power to intercept his return into Port and I am sure that every Captain was anxiously vigilant to fall in with him- the following was the arrangement of the Squadrons employed on this particular service.

La Hogue and Tenedos -On the tail of the Banks of Newfoundland-
Poictiers and Maidstone -From Sambro lighthouse to Sable Island, thence in a S:E direction twenty Leagues and back by Cape Sable-
Ramillies and Loire -From Cape Sable, South East, along the edge of St. Georges Bank as far as Latde: 42°: '00 Sir Thos. Hardy having the Command off Boston Nymphe, Majestic, Junon and Was~Inshore Squadron under the Orders. of Sir Thomas Hardy, off Boston -The Nymphe is refitting being relieved by the Junon
Orpheus and Loup-Cervier. From the Tuckanuck passage to Block Island-
Valiant and Acasta and Atalante Sloop also Borer Gun Brig. From Block Island to Entrance of Long Island Sound and off New London
Plantagenett -Off Sandy Hook
Belvidera Statim Morgiana Off the Entrance of the Delaware.
Dragon, Lacedemonian, Armide, Dotterall & Mohawk At the Entrance of the Chesapeak.

I am entertained the most confident hope that Commodore Rodgers would not have been able to escape through all these Ships, but in steering for the Tuckanuck passage he fell in with the Highflyer Schooner Tender, which, on my way from the Chesapeak to this Port I had stationed upon Nantucket Shoals for the express purpose of watching that Channel, and in the event of seeing the President, to carry the information to the Squadron off Boston, & which from her very Superior Sailing and light draft of Water, she might have done in time to apprize his Majestys Ships.

The Orpheus having sprung her Mainmast was obliged to come into Halifax for a new one and I had no Ship to replace her so soon as she again, got ready and proceeded to her Station-

The Albion is now under Orders to reinforce the Orpheus and Loup-Cervier and the Narcissus just returned from Quebec proceedes to join the Belvidera off the Delaware. 

The Statim is here, but so very bad in her top sides, knees &c that I purpose sending her to guard Long Island Sound and assist in blocking up the United States Frigates United States, Macedonian & Hornet Sloop in New London for a short time and so soon as I can replace her on that Station to order her to the West In- dies to take home Convoy from thence The Victorious is refitting at Halifax very short of compliment and her Crew slowly recovering from Sickness, many having been Invalided- I have the honour to be Sir Your most obedient humble Servant.

John Borlase Warren

LS, UkLPR, Adm. 1/504, pp. 417-20.

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