A letter was recently laid in my hands to foward to Commodore Hurlbut.
To: Commodore Hulburt
St Mary's
30 Jan'y 1815
Please accept my kindest thanks for the frequent missiles you have sent me. I now write you Rowland for an Oliver and I hasten to reply.
I start this missile with the joyous news of New Orleans. General Jackson's campaign seems to be well appreciated, both in this country and in Europe. It will occupy an honorable place in history.
The chances for peace should, if fighting a reasonable people, be good, for they the gentlemen of Parliament are certainly a whipped people, but are too proud to acknowledge it. Pride, "The never failing vice of fools" can only prolong this war. I hope sincerely the days of peace are near, when we can beat our swords into pruning hooks, and return to the benign pursuits of peace, and nuture our families.
My sense of propriety dictates, that He, who rules the universe knows what is best for us all, that is dictated by infinite wisdom, not some king with no mandate from the people, and I am consequently constrained to say, Our Father, "Thy Will be done".
In my youth, before my disability I was like a tiger robbed of his whelps in battle, I was like a destroying angel, no height to bold, no sea to deep, no fastness too stormy, that I did not solicit to be permitted to storm. Permission was granted, and with the assistance of bold hearts and willing hands, I was the instrument of my country against the foul French. Under such impulses I did storm, what was considered untakeable. the Le Bon Pierre was my first prize as Master. While in Command during that little war with the French I maintained a full crew with not a casualty. I feel that I have performed my duty. I suppose that my period has about expired in the Navy of my great country and I daily hope to hear that it is successfully finished with a peace we can all enjoy. I love my country so that I am still willing to honor "Ole Glory", our starry banner as long as I possess the power to do so, and will assist to place it, and lead the way, to the top mast.
You should call on me here after the war. The climate is very pleasant, that having been no snow yet and very little weather which can be called cold. The dampness of the atmosphere, however, renders warm fires nessecary half the time. Oysters are abundant on the coast and are now beginning to come in plentifully. Shad and other fish are beginning to make their appearance. They Are delicious.
I have the Honor to be with great Respect,
Sir your Obedt. Servant.
Hugh G. Campbell
P.S. Remember me kindly to Captain Lee whom I meet in Malta before the Current episode.
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