Saturday, June 11


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The purpose of the HMS ACASTA and the ROYAL TARS of OLD ENGLAND is to accurately portray a crew of His Majesty's Royal Navy circa 1800-1810 for the educational benefit of the public and for the mutual research and enjoyment of the individual members.

But we're gonna do it differently than it's been done before...

Our organization will educate via a series of first person activities designed to demonstrate the real lives of sailors as they go about their business and live their lives. Landing Parties, Surveying Crews, Recruitment Drives, Press Gangs, Shore Leave... these are but a few of the activities that our crew will undertake whilst encamped at an event. During duty hours, we follow proper Navy protocols and sailors are expected to live a sailor's life.

There will be no quarter giv'n when it comes to authenticity. No modern glasses, no tennis shoes, no facial hair. Our clothing is hand-finished and the materials all linen and wool, like what the officers and sailors of His Majesty's Royal Navy would have worn. Our purpose is to present a faithful representation of what life in the Service was like to those who hope to learn from the events we attend, but also that we may have a deeper appreciation for the lives of the men we say we represent.

To that end, if you're ready to go all out for a challenging, first person historical experience that is educational, entertaining and as accurate as they come, then sign on now.

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