After a conversation with Capt. Freymann and careful consideration of the map we have aboard of Baltimore and its Environs, the following is my reply to Mr. MacPherson:
P. MacPherson,Schooner Andromeda
Port of Baltimore
My dear Sir,
Captain Freymann has detained the waterman that delivered your letter until I have finished this missive so as to be able to get this to you in a timely manner. Captain Freymann's compliments, but giv'n the current state of relations, he fears that he is unable to release me from my duties aboard the Acasta to assist you directly. It is quite a thing to find oneself considered 'valuable' in the manner of a commodity, but such would appear to be the case. He is of the opinion that, even under a flag of truce, I would never make it past the forts between our current location and the Town of Baltimore unmolested.
That being said, it is my belief that I may be able to offer some assistance from afar; please refer to the enclosed copy of Buchan's 'Domestic Medicine' in regards to your daughter's unfortunate illness.
Please pay careful attention to Buchan's advices on Malignant, Putrid, or Spotted Fevers in Chapter 20, starting on page 195 wherein he lists his Regimen for the afflicted and suggests Medicines to combat the illness. I have always found Buchan's advices to be sound in the matter of putrid fevers. It is a hefty seven-hundred pages, therefore I have mark'd the portions that I think should pertain to your daughter's ailment.
I trust that Buchan's suggestions, if followed, will see your daughter through this unfortunate time and returned to good health. My own advice would be to not underestimate the body's ability to heal itself in due course.
You may be at your leisure to return my copy of Domestic Medicine and I look forward to hearing from you in this regard. Until then, I most sincerely wish you all health and success; and am, with great respect,
You may be at your leisure to return my copy of Domestic Medicine and I look forward to hearing from you in this regard. Until then, I most sincerely wish you all health and success; and am, with great respect,
Yr humble svt in haste,
Albert Roberts
Ship's Surgeon
HMS Acasta
at Sea
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